Annual Meetings Minutes
- Board Members Present:
Tim Nowell, President
Chad Langford, Secretary
Carolyn Wilson, Treasurer
Cindy Maurer
Bob Carlson
Tim KnustNot Present:
Kevin Lawson
Nate ElgertGeneral introduction by President, Tim Nowell
The Homeowners Association’s responsibilities are twofold:
- Maintain entrances and common areas
- Covenants
The budget is down $51,000 from last year which is primarily due to the entrance renovation project.
Dues remained at $125/household and we have 85% have been collected to date.
Last year we collected 100% which is 222 homes. Approximately $4.50/household was spent.
There has been no significant investment into the common areas in 25 years. The project this year encompassed removing 25 diseased trees, adding significant, contoured berm areas, 60 ton of rock, a multitude of tree and plant varieties, updated electrical systems, added lights and sprinklers. The total project should run $72,000 when completed. There is a punch list of items yet to be completed, anticipated by May 30th.
A maintenance committee for the landscaping has been established.
The minutes from the last annual meeting were distributed by Chad Langford.
Overall review:
It was a quiet year with only a couple letters needing to be sent for covenant issues, mainly fence and pool. Those issues were resolved.
We are also in the process of reviewing the covenants to better document and streamline. Goal is to create a consistent manner in which to handle issues.
Carolyn Wilson presented the treasurer’s report for the year and the budget.
She noted we did collect over our budgeted amount last year due to some homeowners not taking advantage of the early pay discount. Total funds at the end of the year were $39,176.
A homeowner present suggested calling Chastain Otis to get a bid for the insurance.
There were not enough present or ballots returned to have a quorum. There were only 35 ballots returned. The board will therefore appoint the open seats.
A suggestion was made to make the voting available online. The board will look further into this option.
There are a few activities which we continue to support in the neighborhood, including:
- The garage sales
- 4th of July parade
- Progressive Dinner
- Annual Summer Gathering
Suggestions ideas and/or volunteers would be appreciated.
Q & A:
The new entrance project was discussed at length. The purpose of the project was to remove the trees that were dying and renovate the entrances. The concept was to provide a low maintenance system of plants and trees to beautify and enhance our entrances. The rock was brought in as placeholders to help bermed areas and plants are intended to grow around rocks. It will take at least a year to see the final product as it grows into the plan.
A homeowner suggested moving rocks and had concerns on the maintenance work over the past few years. Notes were taken by the landscape committee and they will address the issues with the current vendor.
A question on sheds/outbuildings was brought up and discussed.
Meeting adjourned.