Covenants Committe
The Covenants are the legal requirements we are all obligated to follow when we purchased property in Autumn Ridge. They are designed for the protection of real estate values in our neighborhood, something important to all of us. You should have received a copy of the covenants when you closed on your home. A copy is available by clicking here.
There have been some questions about if and when our covenants will expire. Our covenants will not expire. Article V. 2. states the covenants and restrictions “shall run with and bind the land in perpetuity”. Our covenants are intended to help protect our property values, please cooperate and abide by them.
A popular area of interest that is that the covenants prohibit boats, campers, trailers, RV’s, and trash receptacles from being stored outdoors on your property.
For questions and/or comments, or to report an issue please contact our Covenants team at or through our “Talk to us” feature on the home page.